GhostSKB 本来很好的解决方案,我也为此支付了一笔。但是,随着 Mac 系统升级,此软件失效。找寻许久,等待许久,始终未见很好的解决方案。
利用 issw 切换输入法 利用应用切换时的回调通知,后台自动切换输入法 利用 Python 良好的胶水特性,直接调用 issw 命令
感谢 vovkasm 和 tiann,没有你们开源的方案,我自己不可能独自解决这个问题。
最终代码如下,请自行安装 issw。
#! /usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 ''' auto switch input method between different applications if you want to change the app list, modify the var 'en_list' and 'zh_list', or add your own custom_list. ''' from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from subprocess import call, check_output from AppKit import NSWorkspace, NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification, NSWorkspaceApplicationKey from Foundation import NSObject from PyObjCTools import AppHelper # add your custom apps here, check the bundle id in /Application/ # or use command: osascript -e 'id of app "Safari"' en_list = [ "com.googlecode.iterm2", "", "", "com.sublimetext.3", "", "com.sequelpro.SequelPro", ] zh_list = [ "com.tencent.xinWeChat", "com.tencent.WeWorkMac", "com.workflowy.desktop", "", ] def get_avaliable_input_methods(): return check_output(["issw", '-l']).decode().strip().split('\n') class Observer(NSObject): def handle_(self, noti): info = noti.userInfo().objectForKey_(NSWorkspaceApplicationKey) bundleIdentifier = info.bundleIdentifier() if bundleIdentifier in en_list: print("found: [%s] active, switch to US" % bundleIdentifier) call(["issw", ""]) elif bundleIdentifier in zh_list: print("found: [%s] active, switch to Shuangpin" % bundleIdentifier) call(["issw", ""]) def main(): nc = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().notificationCenter() observer = nc.addObserver_selector_name_object_( observer, "handle:", NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification, None ) AppHelper.runConsoleEventLoop(installInterrupt=True) if __name__ == '__main__': main()